WoW Classic Weapon Trainers + Locations Guide

Our guide to WOW Classic Weapon Trainers and their location familiarize you with the various World of Warcraft Classic trainers that will help to upgrade your weapons and long run in the game.

Most of the time players join the various servers from the huge list and they can’t able to defeat the mobs and other players just because of their weaker weapons. So if you’re struggling to make long run in the game and want to beat the competition then this WOW Classic guide is for you.

Weapon Trainers and Masters’ Locations in World of Warcraft Classic

WoW, Classic is a Multi-player Online Role-Playing Game, and WoW Classic Weapon Master and Weapon trainer are exclusive NPCs or Non-Player Characters in the game. These NPCs can be used to train your game character to use weapon systems. There are around 5 of them and WoW Classic Weapon trainer location must be found out before you can actually train your character of any additional weapon system besides the basic ones.

It is important to be aware of the Gameplay before playing any game. Let’s delve a bit into WoW’s Gameplay. The Gameplay is quite nice! The game WoW is set in a fictional place Azeroth. This fictitious continent has seen quite some changes, for example The Burning Crusade added another world named Outland. Similarly

  • Northrend, the northern continent of Azeroth, with the expansion of wrath of Lich King
  • With expansion of cataclysm several continents Azeroth saw changes with new continents coming up old ones bein destroyed
  • In expansion of Mists of Pandaria, a southern continent was added named Pandaria          
  • Draenor was in the expansion of Warlords of Darenor
  • In Legion expansion Broken Isles which is actually an island chain, was added
  • Latest expansion is the battle of Azeroth and two new continents are added.

In this game players have a number of options to start. One of them is race of a character and its type or class. In the gameplay, one needs to complete the dungeon runs, raids and of course quests, there are other in-game activities as well. There are player versus player combats also possible.

Coming back to the masters and the trainers. You need to score well and for that, your player needs to be well versed in its all weapons usage. You can find these locations where you can find the masters and the trainers by getting hints from city guards of the major cities. These city guards can locate them for you. Weapon masters also tell about other weapon masters and once you find one of them you can ask for other trainers and masters from them.

WOW Classic Masters trainers from various locations

So here are the complete details of every master thier location you can found them. We made it easier for you if you want to train the weapons specifically then you can check for one below every location with its respective master.

Horde Weapon Trainer Locations

Thuderbluff – Ansekhwa location


Thunderbluff is the best location for leaning the staves, you can find the Weapon master
Anshekva middle part of the pond.

Ansekhva can train the following weapons’: Guns, Maces and Staves

Ogrimmar – Hanashi & Sayoc


They can train the following weapons

  • Hanashi– staves, bows, axes or thrown weapons
  • Sayoc – bows, daggers, fist weapons, thrown weapons, and axes

Undercity – Archibald


Archibald can train the following weapons- crossbow, dagger, sword and polearm

Alliance Weapon Master Locations

Ironforge – Bixi & Buliwyf


They can train the following weapons

  • Bixi – crossbows, thrown weapons, and daggers       
  • Buliwyf – fist weapons, guns, as well as axes and maces

Darnassus – Ilyenia Moonfire

Ilyenia Moonfire

Ilyenia Moonfire can train the following weapons – bow, throwing weapons, daggers, staves, and fist weapons

Stormwind – Woo Ping

Woo Ping

Woo-Ping can train the following weapons- crossbows, daggers, polearms, staves, and swords

Additionally, there are many improvements made to the game over time. For example, there are now multiple locations to explore, the addition of periodic events, and fishing competitions conducted weekly. There are even newer features such as the pet battle system.


Once you know the weapons you will have an edge over your opponents and you will be able to fight it out in the game and win. With proper training and weapons, anyone can do it. Hope this article helped in giving some inputs towards your winning streak.

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